Presentations and Photos from Financial Planning Summit
Our first Financial Planning Summit, held at the Hyatt Regency Vancouver on March 8, 2018, was a fantastic success! The summit delivered a fresh approach to professional development, providing an exciting educational and motivational experience within a vibrant and energetic environment.
Professionals in attendance were exposed to best practices in all areas of financial planning, including estate, tax, risk and retirement planning.
The full program from the day can be found here.
Photos from the day can be found on the Advocis Vancouver Facebook page.
We are pleased to provide copies of the presentations delivered at the summit for your continued learning:
- Estate Planning: What Does Your Client Need - and Why? Amy Mortimore, Clark Wilson LLP
- Tax & Estate Update 2018 Jamie Golombek, CIBC
- The Value of Advice: Advice and Retirement Income Dave Faulkner, CLU, CFP, Razor Logic Systems Inc
- Retirement Planning Cindy David, CFP, CLU, FEA, TEP, Raymond James Financial Planning Ltd.
- Assessing the Outlook for Long-Term Capital Market Returns Brent Joyce, CFA, GLC Asset Management
- Making Choices: Ethics and Professional Responsibility in Practice
- Business Continuity Instructions
Our next conference will be the Estate Planning Conference on October 30 & 31 at the Italian Cultural Centre.